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Micromanufacturing Show to Debut in UK

Posted by: Mu Ju 2019-04-08 Comments Off on Micromanufacturing Show to Debut in UK

Rapid News Publications plc is launching a new trade fair exclusively designed for the micromanufacturing industry. MM Live 2008 is scheduled to appear at the Ricoh Arena in Coventry, UK, October 21–22, 2008, alongside the TCT 2008 Exhibition and Conference. The new show will provide a source of information for design engineers and micromanufacturers in all industry sectors to help them advance the use of existing and emerging technologies.

Micromanufacturing is the production of small components and products that were not possible to manufacture until the recent introduction of groundbreaking technologies and techniques. These innovative processes enable smaller and smaller components to be manufactured with extremely high tolerances and accuracy.

MM Live 2008 will focus on the mass manufacture of ever-smaller components while maintaining quality and precision throughout production. The show is already attracting the interest of companies that supply micromilling, micro injection moulding, and micro laser-cutting equipment.

“We are delighted with the positive reaction from the industry,” says Mark Blezard, sales director of MM Live, “and are particularly pleased to announce that Deckel Grinders Ltd., the UK sole agent for Kern micromilling machines, and Rainford Precision Machines, supplier for Union Tool end mills and drills, have already committed to being headline sponsors for the show.”

Blezard goes on to point out that designers and manufacturers can use new micro- and nanotechnologies to break through what had been barriers in terms of part size and accuracy. The capability of producing components on the micro scale has been a key driver of innovation for most manufacturing sectors, he adds, but especially for the automotive, aerospace, electronics, and medical technology industries.

The TCT 2008 Exhibition and Conference, also organized by Rapid News Publications, attracts more than 2,000 key manufacturing professionals seeking out innovative technologies and techniques in the area of rapid manufacturing. MM Live 2008—whose full name is Micro Manufacturing & Commercial Nano Technologies 2008—will be the first and only forum in the UK where providers of micromanufacturing technology and services can showcase their capabilities.

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