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Three Bottlenecks That Restrain the Development of Wenzhou Mould by Professors

Posted by: Mu Ju 2019-08-24 Comments Off on Three Bottlenecks That Restrain the Development of Wenzhou Mould by Professors

“to seek mould development of Wenzhou, we should make break out in human resource, funds and land.” Responsible worker have known this clearly. He told reporters that the most serious problem is the lack of additional fundings. Mould enterprises should introduce high tech precision cnc equipment. However, these equipments require minimum invest of millions of yuan, and the pay back period will be over 5 years at least. On the other hand, mould industry envolves particular work, and the operation is complex. So the scale is limited, and it’s difficult for the enterprise owners invest more funds.

Mr. Wu Shaohua, manager of Wenzhou Fengri Mould Factory, show exactly the same opinion. He told the reporter mould industry requires high cost investment while has low production. He went to a large scale factory in other province for study before. The factory has invested 30m yuan on equipments, but the annual output is only 10m yuan. “ several years before, I have tried to enlarge production scale, but got no increase in output. So, I am very careful on investment now."

In additon, human resoure becomes another bottleneck. Wu Shaohua told the reporter, NC technic is widely used in mould industry at present, and this requires high quality operators who should have 2 or 3 years experience in mould industry.

“talents are always short in mould industry.” Said a mould boss in the city. He has offered 100 thousand yuan for a technician in local area, but found no one, at last, he found a man from other places. However, great talents always enjoy mobility, which can influence the improvement of mould industry.

Mr. Wu Baizhong said, land was another serious problem. At present, no more than 30 mould enterprises have their own factories, and most of the factories are rented from the government, collectively-owned enterprises, and privately owned houses. Because of simple, humidity and inconvenient traffic, some modern equipments are unable to install.

Advanced mould making equipments cost at least millions of yuan for one piece, and mould can only be made by single piece. Only if resource sharing can be achieved, so can high tech equipments can be used. As a result, short of land has been a fatal shortcoming. It has restrained enterprise development, and is also the greatest obstacle in technology improvement.

A few days ago, jointly invested of 16m yuan by Wenzhou Vocational & Technical Colledge and Wenzhou Jianda Co., Ltd to precision mould study and research base announced its establishment. The purpose is to build up a key laboratory of material process and mould technology in Wenzhou, in the hope to attract more talents, to introduce advanced equipments, and further more, to promote products quality, and to build up key enterprises serve for mould high tech enterprises both in and abroad. At the same time, mould association in Wenzhou has drawn up a copy of Research & Solution of Wenzhou Mould Industry. They hope that relavent departments can make out support policy to mould industry, and lead all mould enterprises overcome these development obstacles.

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