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Thinwall mould design China

Posted by: chinaeye 2021-05-28 Comments Off on Thinwall mould design China

Sino Mould is a professional mould manufacturer,we are specialized in thinwall mould design and making,offer our customer a turnkey solution for thinwall molding line and IML solution.For a thinwall mould,evey step is important,include mould design,mould tooling,mould assembling and mould testing.

What is thinwall products?We could understand that the wall thickness of the product is very thin,from 0.35mm to 1.0mm.In fact,it is not only consider the wall thickness,also need to consider the product size.Here we have a measurement for fluidiity length(L) compare with part wall thickness(T).If L/T is more than 300,the injection will become very difficult.

For a thinwall mould,first we must design the mould well: with strong mould plate,reasonable mould structure to get good cooling,air venting and easy demolding.
Second,choose a right steel material is also very important.For thinwall mould,we will suggest use stainless steel material for core and cavity,as if the mould material rust,we have to polishing again.Then the wall thickness of the product will change much.
Third,mould tooling have to use precision machines to control the tolerance under 0.01mm.

We make tens sets of thinwall moulds every year.We offer our customers for a whole molding solution for thinwall mould,hybrid injection molding machines and additional machines.We could offer IML solution for the molding line,we have stable cooperated robot supplier for more than 5years.If you have any new plan for the injection molding line,we will help you do the processing.Thanks.

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